Wednesday, April 25, 2012

front doors

im absolutely addicted to pintrest, as im sure (and i know because youre my friends on pintrest) that some of you are too.  last year i made a yarn wreath that i had seen ideas for on pintrest (there are bazillions, i know) and i have to admit i think it came out pretty well.


the wreath frame is a cheap pool noodle, wrapped with some delightfully green yarn and i hot glued on felt rosettes that i rolled up and adorned with pearl head pins.  super easy and cheap.  i couldn't wait to make a new one for the new apartment this year and this is what i came up with.

i love the way it turned out.  mama was getting rid of an old grapevine wreath that she'd made, so i scooped it up and added some more felt rosettes, but also tried out some paper folding as well.  whatta ya think?  i wanna see your wreaths, show me your front doors!

Friday, April 13, 2012

the toughest time

its been a hard few weeks.  death, denial, guilt, frustration.  i can't seem to wrap my head around it all.  i'll be back soon.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


i love lemonade.  amongst the raindrops this weekend, a couple rays of sunshine shown through and i had a bag of lemons that needed to be done something with.  so, to sound as cliche as possible; i made lemonade out of the lemons life gave me.  i thought i'd share with you some pics, obviously because of the amazing piece of pyrex used; as well as the recipe.  yum!


5-6 small lemons (about a cup of lemon juice)

1 cup of sugar

8 cups of water

                        squeeze your lemons, add your sugar and water and enjoy!!

the pyrex was an exciting find a couple weeks ago, i was driving around greensboro familiarizing myself on a saturday morning and saw a sign for an estate sale.  believe it or not i'd never been to one.  turns out they are pretty damn sweet.  it seemed to be a family of grown children, i can only imagine they were getting rid of some of their parent's possessions.  i can't imagine ever doing that.  sorry, got a little debbie downer there.  anywho, i scooped this mint condition pyrex lemonade pitcher up for $3 and a few really awesome vintage cookbooks and some other unnecessary pieces of kitchen so and so's.

hope you all had a great weekend.  i'll leave you with a pic of chris and i on our sunday thrifting adventures! <3, heather